Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What are your Top Favorite Movies? And Making Snow Flakes***

To me, Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands is the best movie of all time. I feel there are two close runner-up's, Lost in Translation and The Breakfast Club, but they just can not compete. There is just something so precious about Edward's innocence and willingness to love. I suppose all these movies have something in common, going from being an outcast to finally having someone accept you. Maybe that is why these movies are so dear to me. Being accepted and loved was something I wanted in my life for so long. I tried my best for most of my life to become this chameleon that changed with every group I hung out with so that some one might think I was "cool" or "interesting". However I am not saying I would hold the same conversation with my in-laws as I would with my best friend Blue, there is a difference between having a filter on what you say and how you act and totally changing your personality based on who is around you.

The biggest thing that changed for me was learning to love myself. I did not realize that there is no way around it if you want to be happy. Once I forgave myself and accepted who I was, my faults, abilities and things I need to work on in this life, it just sort of happened. I liked who I was and I did not want to shift my personality around for others. I made true friends who could see the real weirdo I really am and it is wonderful, which reminds me I love this quote from Dr. Seuss...

There is so much freedom in being true to yourself...
but it takes a lot of guts!!!

Here are the snow flakes I was cutting from a few pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales...

Notice edward SCISSORHANDS is playing on our little television  ...

 I love winter but I love snow even more. 
Hopefully it snows so hard I can not leave my house!
I probably have seen Edward Scissorhands close to 600 times 
and I will probably watch it 50 more times this winter!
 I hope Jared can take it! Heehee. 

I love the snow dance towards the end of the movie. It has probably made me cry 110 times...

 I would like to end on a final question...
 What are your top favorite movies and why do you like them so much?

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